Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Peanut Butter Noodles

I admit, whenever I eat pad Thai, I am really just using the noodles, lime and mungbeans as a vehicle for the peanut sauce. And yet a lot of pad Thai just isn't peanut-y enough to satisfy my craving (and often, it is a very strong, irrational craving) and so finally, my dear friend Kathleen provided me with a delicious recipe for peanut butter noodles that I can easily make in my own kitchen whenever the mood strikes.

Take half of a box of thin noodles and bring to boil/cook in pot as usual.

For the peanut sauce, you'll need:

2 tbs of soy sauce (the real stuff...not that low sodium imitator)

1 tbs rice vinegar

1 heaping table spoon of peanut butter (make it the delicious Cream Nut brand...you don't need the extra sugar/preservatives for this)

1 tbl Hoisin sauce (this is pretty standard fare now in most grocery stores, but if not, google the nearest Chinese/Asian supermarket!)

1 tsp sesame oil

a drop of chili oil (a little goes a long way otherwise it will get very hot)

1 garlic clove (minced)

Mix all by hand or in a food processor.

Add on chopped ginger, sesame seeds, and chopped scallion to taste.

Then take the whole sauce mix and add to pasta, which by now should be cooked in your pot. Strain, put back in pot, and add this peanut sauce to the hot pot of pasta. The heat will help it coat the noodles evenly. Yummy and quite nutritious.

Serve with some crisp veggies (snow peas is a good choice with shaved carrots and water chestnut) and enjoy!


  1. Mmmmmm..... I will give this recipe a shot.

    Thanks for the good tip.


    Marge Allingham

  2. My friend & I went to a local Thai establishment near here recently. A bottle of Merlot plus some flaming dish that looked as if it might set the wicker chairs on fire! Not a Tamal Tiger in sight. Afterwards? I'm not gay:- a couple of pints for my pal, redcurrant & Iron Brew WKD for myself. Heaven!!!!

  3. Here is a recipe Jessica. You could add some peanut sauce I suppose. Peanuts conjure for us a 90's advert of an 'old geezers' shadow shaking his fist at a broken window. I want to say this was because he was near a golf-course but it's so long ago. Anyway it was an ad for crunchy peanut butter.
    Here's the recipe: Take some instant mash potato with bubble & squeak or cheese add hot water etc. Put in some lentils ( from a tin, pre-ccoked)plus some chopped onion-you can buy this in packets pre-chopped for 32p in UK- stir this all up, three times clockwise for peace, three times anti-clockwise for love; add a dash of tomato ketchup ditto soy sauce. Voila!!Luvely jubbly. Lentil Surprize......

  4. Sounds interesting! Thanks for the suggestion.
